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Vocabulario útil

● Unirse – to join
● Aprender – to learn
● Tratar sobre – to be about
● Tratará sobre – wil be about
● Presentarnos – to introduce ourselves
● Cuéntenos (formal) / Cuéntanos (informal) -Tell us…
● Actualmente – currently
● Radico – I reside
● Casarse – to marry
● Estoy rodeada – I am surrounded
● El público – the audience / the public
● Más bien – rather, instead
● No tanto – not so much
● Lo demás – the rest / the others

● Me ha fascinado – has fascinated me / I have loved
● La actualidad – the present time
● Primaria – elementary school
● La temporada – season
● Recuerdo – I remember
● Me recuerdan a- they remind me of
● Las manualidades – crafts
● La máquina – machine
● Pozole – traditional Mexican corn soup with….
● El mole – traditional Mexican sauce with many ingredients
● Los mariscos – seafood
● Sintonizar – to tune in
● estén al pendiente de- watch for
● ¡Hasta la próxima! – until next time / See you next time!