Episodes S1
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S1E15 Manejar – Driving Mexico v. Estados Unidos
We discuss driving and getting a license in Mexico vs. the US.
S1E14 Beneficios de aprender otro idioma
We discuss some of the benefits of learning another language!
S1E13 Recomendaciones para aprender otro idioma – Recommendations for learning another language.
While learning another language can seem daunting at times, we share some fun ways that we used to really increase our fluency in a new language.
S1E12 Casas y comunidad: México contra EU – Houses and community: Mexico vs. US
In discussing our homes, we identified several cultural differences between homes and community in Mexico and the US. In this episode we discuss some of those differences.
S1E11 ¡Cuéntame de tu casa! Tell me about your house!
Where do you live? Do you live in a house or in an apartment? What is your favorite space in the place where you live? In this episode we discuss our homes.
S1E10 Errores comunes que cometen los hispanohablantes y otros malentendidos…
Everyone makes mistakes with language – whether its our first or our second, third or tenth language. There are many times when I cannot remember a word in English or I make a grammar mistake even though I grew up speaking it. The same is true in the Spanish speaking community.
S1E9 Modismos – What does that mean? Part 1
Have you ever heard someone use a phrase in Spanish that didn’t seem to make sense? Have you ever wanted to say something like, “That was a piece of cake,” but it doesn’t get the intended reaction from your Spanish speaking listeners? Check out this episode!
S1E8 Celebraciones de Año Nuevo – New Year’s Celebrations
Happy New Year! What do you and your family or friends do to welcome the New Year? In this episode, Yureni and Amy compare their own celebrations.
S1E7 – Los deportes – Sports
What sports do you enjoy? Our interests have changed over the course of our lives. Are children’s sports the same in Mexico and the US? We discuss in this episode.
S1E6 Festividades navideñas Christmas celebrations
Many people living in Spanish speaking countries celebrate Christmas. Check out this episode where we compare Christmas traditions from the US and Mexico.
S1E5 – Ropa y calzado – Clothing and Shoes
¿Te gusta ir de compras? In this episode we discuss shopping for clothes and more!
S1E4 – Los viajes – Travel
Traveling is an excellent way to advance your language learning! In this episode we discuss our travel experiences and Yureni gives some advice on great places to visit if you are planning a trip to Mexico!
S1E3 – Las mascotas y los animales – Pets and Animals
Do you have any pets? In this episode we discuss some interesting stories inspired by pets we’ve had. We also discuss animals that frighten us and inspire us.
S1E2 – Día de acción de gracias
Thanksgiving Celebrations Thanksgiving in the US is an important time to spend with family while eating a lot of comfort food! It also kicks off the end of year holiday season in the US. While this tradition is very important in the US, most people from outside the US have no idea what this holiday…
S1E1 – ¿Quiénes somos? Who are we?
¡Bienvenido! Welcome to our podcast, Español en familia where we invite you into our family to practice and learn Spanish with real conversations! Check out our first episode!